Middle East News

Batelco Introduces the First Daily SimSim Data service in the Kingdom

As part of its ongoing efforts to meet the advanced and ever changing demands of its customers in all sectors, Batelco – the Kingdom’s leading telecommunications provider – is delighted to announce the introduction of a daily data service for all its SimSim customers; including SimSim O-net and SimSim Blackberry.
Batelco has always pioneered in bringing the best services to its customers. Adding to its list of firsts, it is now offering this 1 for 1 SimSim Data Service.
In keeping with its commitment to deliver world class products and services to its customers in all sectors, Batelco has decided to expand its data services to prepaid customers to allow them the opportunity to enjoy the experience of seamless Internet connectivity while on the move. Moreover, the service has been tailored to better fit the prepaid demographic.
SimSim Customers can enjoy value for money data access whenever needed for just BD1. They can enjoy up to 1GB for the whole day. This is to satisfy our customer needs for instant data access requirements at low prices.
“We are close to our customers and are fully aware of their changing needs and demands,” said Batelco Group General Manager Media Relations Ahmed Al Janahi
“Based on this solid knowledge, we design products and services that perfectly suit all our customers’ specific telecommunication needs and budgets,” he added

All Batelco prepaid customers can now add 1 GB of data for BD 1 only. Customers can subscribe to the new service by simply sending an SMS containing “A24” to 4554.


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