Middle East News

Inmarsat provides in-flight connectivity to Universal Weather

Universal Weather in partnership with Aviation has expanded its in-flight connectivity services with the addition of mobile satellite services provider Inmarsat’s SwiftBroadband satellite communications.
SwiftBroadband is available to subscribers of UVdatalink®, Universal’s aircraft data link communications service, and expands UVdatalink’s Inmarsat service offering which already includes Swift 64 and Classic Aero (Aero-L, Aero-H/H+, and Aero-I).This new service comes as a result of a new relationship between Universal® and Vizada, the largest independent provider of mobile satellite services.
In addition to SwiftBroadband, UVdatalink also now supports direct dialing to the aircraft, available for both Inmarsat and Iridium connections, which allows people on the ground to reach any handset onboard an aircraft in flight using a 10-digit phone number.
According to Randy Stephens, Divisional Vice President, Product Management and Specialty Services, Universal, with SwiftBroadband, they can now greatly increase the speed of in-flight connectivity for their UVdatalink subscribers who are SwiftBroadband compatible. Their clients and their passengers will now have access to faster and uninterrupted connectivity for their voice, SMS, e-mail, broadband internet, VPN and video conferencing needs.


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