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NTP tastes partial success with regard to its wireless patents validity (US)

For many, the description as a patent troll suffices NTP Inc. As a matter of fact, the company tasted partial success with regard to its appeal in a bid to reverse an earlier ruling that had labeled eight of its patents invalid.
Incidentally, the contentious patents are central to legal suits involving a number of tech giants that include Apple, Google, Microsoft, Verizon Wireless, AT&T, T-Mobile USA and Yahoo. The lawsuits are currently put on hold till the appeal is culminated with a ruling.
In addition, NTP had made Research in Motion pay $612.5 million in 2006 by way of a legal suit on the back of those same patents.
In an earlier ruling, the eight patents in question were labeled invalid by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office; the patents relating to how wireless networks send information, such as emails and messages. However, NTP argued and submitted an appeal saying that the Patent Office had taken too broad an approach to what constituted the messages covered by the patent.
Eventually, one of the patents to have been tagged void has been upheld by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit in Washington while the remainder patents were referred to the Patent Office for review.


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