
Social Media has become the fastest growing phenomena on the internet

Ayman Irshaid
Founder CEO – AreebaAreeba,  speaks to Teletimes

Interview by Khalid Athar

Ayman Irshaid, CEO of AreebaAreeba came into the social media business, as Founder of AreebaAreeba, a very exciting social networking website that connects businesses and business professionals around the world. With broad telecom and IT experience in the international and local marketplace, Ayman has established an enviable record of providing the Middle East region with the high quality of telecom and media solutions and services. He has extensive experience and vast knowledge of Telecom and Media services. His international experience extends to Middle East, Africa and Europe. He is focusing on an ambitious plan to transform the traditional business concepts and personal behaviour into more productive, creative and innovative approach.
On the next page are the few excerpts from a discussion with Ayman.
Teletimes – Please share with our readers some information about the background of AreebaAreeba and the story behind its formation.
Ayman Irshaid – AreebaAreeba is a professional social networking website that brings the world closer by helping professionals connect and transfer knowledge and recourse to develop and grow your business, promote yourself and your brand by using multimedia content.
TT – Our readers would like to know about the benefits of AreebaAreeba to its users?
AI – As members, you are encouraged to connect with like-minded professionals, associate with groups of similar interests, blog and contribute to the development of a specific sector and stay up-to-date with the latest news.
TT – Please talk in detail about your current goals and mission.
AI – A Digital Silk Road that Virtually Brings the world closer to the Middle East and the Middle East closer to the world. To become the premiere Social Networking Platform aiming primarily at providing our members with access to resources and knowledge to develop and grow their business, promote themselves and their brand by using multimedia content and by leveraging the AreebaAreeba professional community worldwide.
TT – Would you like to speak about how social networking has become one of the fastest growing things on internet and how this can be directed towards positive productivity?
AI – Social media has become the fastest growing phenomena on the internet and an integral part of the way we live and work. At the same time, it’s becoming a hub for online marketers that are taking advantage of the social media to reach out to their target audience. Companies need to design a policy framework on social media, which also require education of employees on how to use social media sites in a meaningful way. AreebaAreeba has also become great tools for attraction, recruitment, communication, connection, engagement and create new business opportunities. AreebaAreeba is a critical part of communication and collaboration technologies that can help to make people more productive. Clearly there is an opportunity for employees to share ideas, replacing the old style suggestion boxes with a more interactive process, which is being used by many forums to collect views from users.
TT – How do you see the future of the regional IT sector and AreebaAreeba as a part of it?
AI – AreebaAreeba is a first time initiative has been created from the region East and growing rapidly and has become a potential for regional IT sector to innovate and engage in the development of new applications and APIs for AreebaAreeba platform which will increase the IT jobs opportunities and IT recourse.
TT – Do you face any major competition? From who if yes, and how do you manage to overcome it?
AI – AreebaAreeba is a socio-economic development platform, fueled by social networking technologies, nurtured by knowledge transfer, enriched by many cultures, strengthened by professional growth, and sustained by common interests.


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