Middle East News

TRA Organizes UAE National Committee 27 Meeting

The Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA), represented by the UAE Computer Emergency Response Team (aeCERT),- a TRA initiative-,  organized the first UAE National Committee 27 meeting on Monday 21st of March 2011 in the Palace old town hotel, Dubai. aeCERT will be establishing the UAE National Committee 27in collaboration with behalf of Emirates Authority for Standardization and Metrology (ESMA). The committee will represent UAE in the ISO/IEC JTC1 SC 27 bi-annual meetings.
The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is the world’s largest developer and publisher of International Standards with 163 countries as members. ISO addresses a diverse set of topics in its standards including IT and information security through SC 27 subcommittee.
H.E. Mohamed Nasser Al Ghanim, TRA Director General said, “The National Committee aims to promote UAE as an active and well recognized member of international standardization in the field of information security

We are eager to create a national subcommittee to facilitate UAE involvement in the advanced knowledge of international standards for information security and to be recognized as a leader in the field of information security.” added Al Ghanim.
The National Committee 27 is a mirror committee for ISO SC 27 international subcommittee. The UAE national committee 27 will be chaired by aeCERT in cooperation with ESMA and will have members from different entities within the UAE. This step is considered the first of its kind in the Middle East and North Africa.
The role of National Committee is vital; decisions on establishing, modifying or withdrawing international standards are based on National Body contributions, therefore it is important that UAE now has the opportunity of participating in the standards development procedure.
It is worth mentioning that ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC27 is international recognized center of information security expertise serving the needs of many business sectors as well as governments. Its work covers both management standards as well as technical standards. The work of ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC27 is in direct response to business, government and consumer requirements for information security standards.


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