Huawei has launched what it claims is the industry’s first Giga DSL prototype. The Giga DSL system employs TDD to achieve a total up stream and downstream rate of 1,000 Mbps over a single twisted pair. This adds to the capabilities of the company’s SingleFAN broadband access platoform. While 100 Mbps ultra-broadband access can be made available relatively quickly by using legacy copper-line resources, using DSL technology to provide 1,000 Mbps bandwidth within 100 meters of twisted pairs is much more complex. By using a low-power spectral density in-signal transmission, Huawei’s Giga DSL prototype reduces radiation interference and power consumption. This in turn provides a total upstream and downstream rate of 1 Gbps within 100 meters and 500 Mbps+ within 200 meters, making it a Cost-effective option for telecom operators building ultra-broadband access networks. In 2011, the ITU-T set up a project team dedicated to formulating new standards for ultra-speed access at short distances aiming to achieve a 500 Mbps access rate per twisted pair within 100 meters. Huawei has actively participated in the work of the team and has become a major technical contributor, having recently worked to incorporate TDD-OFDM as a modulation mode.