Middle East News

STC’s customers support Syrian people with more than SR 22 million

STC announced that it had deposited customer donations into the Syrian campaign funds account which had been created as part of the National Campaign to Support our Brothers in Syria. The campaign had been launched in early Ramadan in response to a direction by King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz.
STC’s CEO, Dr. Khaled Al Ghoneim, expressed his appreciation and gratitude to customers who were the main players behind the campaign’s success, through generous participation and contribution. He added that such generous contribution is not surprising, considering the dire need of our Syrian brothers and sisters, and that he prays to Allah to reward participants and organizers of this charitable work for their generous spirit of giving, which implies a deep sense of responsibility and brotherhood that bonds the people of our Muslim nation.
Dr. Al Ghoneim stressed that the company has been keen to interact with such campaigns, by adopting the SMS donation method and facilitating the donation process. He added that STC’s contribution through marketing and technological support is in line with its vision and commitment towards its corporate social responsibility to support charity work.
It is worth mentioning that STC deposited the entire sum of donations into the campaign’s funds account without any cuts. The simple SMS donation method adopted by STC, and its intensified advertising for the duration of the campaign to encourage customer participation, resulted in bringing in more donations and more interaction from its customers.


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