Middle East News

STC provides a “Map” to identify FTTH coverage sites

Through its http://www.stc.sa STC provided its customers with a “Technical Map” that helps them identify FTTH coverage sites. The “Technical Map “features all Saudi regions. Customers may submit subscription applications, choose the suitable speeds or requesting the service for any unserved site.
Further, STC provided exclusive FTTH services like TV, internet, Invision and interactive games, all at high speeds that suit customers’ expectations. The launch of this service coincides with STC’s efforts to further enhance its integrated FTTH service by employing massive HR and financial resources to keep up with the strategic expansion of its network inside major Saudi cities to link all commercial and residence facilities and sectors with the latest telecom technologies that provide speeds up to 1000 Mbps that can allow them use multi-applications solutions.
STC takes the current era as a period for developing more competitive edge to keep pace with future aspirations towards regional and universal penetration, uplifting performance and raising productivity as FTTH Infrastructure operated by STC, through which it provides exclusive services to customers, stands as the main driver for further growth and revenues for the current year and the years to come. By the end of 2012, STC succeeded at deploying the most wide-spanned fiber optics network in KSA  as total FTTH customers rose to more than 100,000 especially after STC could reach FTTH to more than half a million sites acting upon a plan targeting more than 1.5 million sites ( private and business facilities ) by the end of 2014.


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