CSR Telecommunications

Ooredoo Group raise awareness on digital responsibility


Annual Ramadan Campaign to encourage online kindness and positivity

Ooredoo Group has launched its Ramadan campaign, with this year’s efforts aimed at raising awareness on digital responsibility and ensuring the Internet is a more positive environment for all.

As people continue to weather the COVID-19 pandemic, spending more time online, digital responsibility takes indeed heightened importance. With Ramadan a time for introspection, thoughtfulness and reflection, this year’s campaign highlights the Holy Month as the ideal time to examine the impact online interactions can have on us all, and the ideal time to start changing behaviours.

Introducing the new campaign, Sheikh Mohammed Bin Abdulla Al Thani, Deputy Group Chief Executive Officer at Ooredoo Group, said: “The Internet is an extraordinary invention, a powerful tool that, when used properly, undoubtedly empowers us in every way possible. As part of Ooredoo’s vision to enrich people’s digital lives, we continue to invest heavily in developing and improving our networks across our global footprint. But we also want to ensure that these digital lives are in fact enhanced by the Internet and not the opposite.”

In a beautifully crafted animation, Ooredoo’s main campaign video – an Ooredoo Ramadan Story – which launches on the first day of Ramadan along with several short videos, tells the story of the Internet by comparing it to a child, one that was influenced, shaped and moulded by Internet users. It reinforces the message that online safety and positivity are the responsibility of everyone. Given the Internet’s relative youth, the main message shows there’s hope that the ever-growing online community can still work together for a safer, more positive digital world, encouraging people to “make the Internet happy again”.

The short videos reinforce this message by drawing attention to the many ways people can use the Internet to do good. Indeed, the videos touch on topics related to cyberbullying, spreading unverified rumours, and others and encourage people to call out negative behaviour online and use this valuable instrument to support each other and important causes.

Sheikh Mohammed continued: “As we move ever closer to an age of complete digitalisation, the Internet develops with us, and so its power and potential grow; much like a child grows and develops towards adulthood. We hope our campaign will inspire enough people to think and reflect. The Internet is what we make it, a reflection of our society so let’s make it a positive one starting this Ramadan.”


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