5G Telecommunications

Missing out on the benefits of 5G

Missing out on the benefits of 5G

The Fifth Generation (5G) is hitting the typical fast:

According to a GSA report, around 70 countries had 5G networks as of June 2022, up from just 38 in mid-2020. Approximately 15 more have had 5G mobile technology deployed in part. It is expected that 5G will reach 1 billion users this year just after 3.5 years in use, compared with 4 years for 4G and 12 years for 3G. GCC to have the second-highest number of 5G mobile subscribers by 2026; 5G users will account for 73 percent of all mobile subscriptions in the Gulf region within the next five years, the second-highest in the world after North America, where the adoption rate will be 84 per cent. The Gulf region will have 62 million 5G mobile subscribers by 2026 and is also emerging as one of the most “diverse and advanced” markets in the adoption of fifth-generation cellular wireless networks. The Americas and Europe are on the forefront of 5G implementation.

Pakistan is a growing economy, more and more of its online population is also increasing in order to access the myriad benefits that it can provide. 5G technology is 100 times faster than 4G and will make life that much better for its users. Time is money, and of course, more time saved and more ease of use equates to more money being saved. As such, Pakistan must complete the transition from 4G to 5G as soon as is practically possible for the benefit of the Pakistani people as a whole. But there are several reasons that Pakistan is nowhere near adopting 5G technology and Pakistan will have to face a $3 Billion loss over non-auctioning of 5G this year.

The delay of 5G in many countries is due to US pressure to ban on Chinese 5G suppliers which offer economical cost for 5G. As per Reuters, Europe’s 5G cost $62 billion more due to Chinese vendors banned. The 55-billion-euro estimate reflects the total additional costs implied by a full ban on purchases from Chinese 5G suppliers for the roll out of 5G networks in Europe. The same could be happened in Jordan where the government still to decide about Chinese 5G suppliers, however Jordan Intelligence Department could face a pressure of USA for banning the Chinese 5G Suppliers. The intelligence already requested operators not to choose Chinese Suppliers in 5G projects and operators are facing huge cost pressures, as stated by an unnamed manager of Jordanian operators. Experts say expanding 5G will boost Jordan and regional economies. India has begun to phase out the use of Chinese 5G suppliers’ equipment’s in future projects, and is reportedly weighing a formal ban; thus entering into high cost.

Still, others have chosen to use Chinese 5G suppliers’ competitors without taking a public stance against the company. The largest telecommunications firms in Australia have all contracted with other companies to build their 5G networks at huge higher costs with direct effect on the users.

With the launch of 5G technology, Pakistan can potentially bring in a much needed economic revolution as these can be game-changers for a developing country which can turn itself into an IT-based knowledge economy. There is no reason for Pakistan to miss out on the benefits of 5G mobile networks. It is of diligent importance that this technology can accelerate a country’s development; with an economical cost of 5G without having financial impact on people.

Reference: Daily the Destination



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