Cloud IT

stc & Oracle announce business partnership

stc & Oracle announce business partnership

stc Group and Oracle Corporation, multinational cloud and technology company have launched a partnership agreement enabling the two organizations to better serve both local and regional markets and support national digitalization objectives as part of KSA’s vision 2030.

This announcement came after a visit by Oracle’s CEO Safra A. Catz to stc’s headquarters where the two parties commemorated 18 years of partnership and discussed further collaboration between the two organizations.

“This agreement confirms the commitment from both stc and Oracle to bring to the market the needed cloud based technological infrastructure and applications to support regional digital economy ambitions” stc Group CEO Eng. Olayan Alwetaid.

“Oracle’s industry leading cloud offerings and stc’s regional capability are a powerful combination that can help our customers drive innovation and achieve business growth”, Safra Catz, CEO, Oracle.

As part of this agreement, stc will leverage Oracle’s highly performant secure cloud platform to migrate stc’s business-support database workloads as part of stc’s multi-cloud adoption roadmap. This will allow stc to simplify and modernize stc’s cloud technology landscape.



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