
Azerbaijani winners of the Grand Prix of the International ActInSpace hackaton visited Azercosmos

Azerbaijani winners of the Grand Prix of the International ActInSpace hackaton visited Azercosmos

The NEXUS team from Azerbaijan, who won the Air Zero G Grand Prize at the 5th edition of the ActInSpace international hackathon, visited Space Agency of Azerbaijan Azercosmos.

These young talents, students of the Azerbaijan – French University, won the ActInSpace 2022, which was held in Baku in partnership with Azercosmos in November 2022.

During their visit, winners talked about the preparation stage for the project they presented at the international hackathon, the development of the proposed idea and the possibilities of turning it into a product.

“ActInSpace” is an international hackathon organized by the French National Center for Space Research (CNES) and the European Space Agency (ESA), which envisages the use of space technologies for society. This year, about 1000 teams representing 66 cities of 35 countries took part in the competition.

During the meeting, the winning team was invited to the International Astronautics Congress, which will be held in Baku this year, to learn more about the possibilities of space. UFAZ officials exchanged views on future cooperation prospects between Azercosmos and Azerbaijan-French University.

Chairman of the Space Agency Samaddin Asadov congratulated the winning team and the representatives of UFAZ University and wished them success in their future activities. It was emphasized that the high level of training of young people in the field of space in Azerbaijan is always in the center of attention, and the participation of young people in local and international competitions will be supported from now on.


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