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Industrywide dialogue on Digital Competence, Secure Cyberspace, Sustainable & Green ICTs, and Emerging Digital Ecosystems across economies to ensue on May 15th at the SAMENA Council Leaders’Summit 2023 in the UAE

Industrywide dialogue on Digital Competence, Secure Cyberspace, Sustainable & Green ICTs, and Emerging Digital Ecosystems across economies to ensue on May 15th at the SAMENA Council Leaders’Summit 2023 in the UAE

SAMENA Telecommunications Council announces that the annual congregation of the global and regional leaders, the SAMENA Council Leaders’ Summit, bringing market and government-sector
representation from multiple continents, will be held in Dubai on May 15th.

To be held under the theme “Sustainable Connectivity and Emerging Ecosystems in Digital Economy”, at Atlantis – The Palm, Dubai, the annual international industry leadership will bring renowned regional and global private-sector players to delve in discussions centered on ICT Infrastructure Requirements in Emerging Markets, SA-ME-NA Digital Services Landscape & New Digital Enablers; Multi-Dimensional Approaches in Cybersecurity; Evolution of 5G Digital Technologies, Future Mobile and Metaverse based Life and Business, a need for New Frequency Allocations for Telecom Operators, Non-Terrestrial Network Integration, and overall Value-Creation, among other important matters.

Officially announcing the Leaders’ Summit 2023 to the Industry and inviting industry stakeholders to mark May 15th on their calendar, Bocar BA, CEO & Board Member, stated: “For over a decade, the Leaders’ Summit has positioned issues, the Industry’s needs, private-sector players, and leaders in influential and productive ways achievable. The 2023 edition of the Leaders’ Summit aims to contribute to the global advocacy momentum on addressing digital transformation challenges, including those related to partnerships, collaboration, security, sustainability, and investment. Moreover, Leaders’ Summit 2023 serves as a progress-measuring tool with respect to work being done regionwide on the 17 SDGs, building secure ICT infrastructure across emerging markets, revisiting multilateral international approaches and stakeholder inclusion, trust-building, creating an enabling environment, and facilitating the ICT sector players by advocating for the right incentives and resources to deliver on a complex set of expectations.”

The Leaders’ Summit 2023 encompasses dialogue, debate, and discourse-based engagement among cross-industry stakeholders, globally-renowned technology firms, emerging digital ecosystem leaders, policy-making bodies, advocacy institutions, change-drivers, and digital economy enablers and decision-makers on industries issues, real- life problems and challenges, seeking implementable solutions and supporting the fulfillment of objectives of the Member States, the ITU, the UN Broadband Commission, and the Private Sector, at large.

Since 2018 the SAMENA Council’s Leaders’ Summit has been focused on 5G, which has catalyzed positive impact on 5G planning and development in the region, empowered cross-industry participation, as well as supported policy and regulatory consideration. The Summit has provided the SA-ME-NA region’s stakeholders visibility on what to expect and prepare for in the new Digital Age. In 2023, the Council aims to address evolution of 5G digital technologies and 5.5G ecosystem development requirements, building 21st century financial and telecom synergies, enabling digital competence and boost to the region’s digital economy, and supporting constructive enablement of a secure Cyberspace.

Participation in the Leaders’ Summit is by-invitation-only. Industry stakeholders, including ICT and non-ICT segments, may contact SAMENA Council to learn more and request participation.


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