Broadband Satellite

SpaceBridge and nexTenna™ partner to deliver satellite broadband solutions for consumer, enterprise, and military services 

SpaceBridge and nexTenna™ partner to deliver satellite broadband solutions for consumer, enterprise, and military services

SpaceBridge has announced that the company will partner with nexTenna™, a cutting edge provider of advanced Ultra-thin ESA (Electronically Steerable Antennas) featuring the industry leading lowest power consumption, to develop of new line of wireless communication systems targeting IoT, mobility IoT, broadband, and fixed broadband solution for consumer, enterprise and military services.  

The SpaceBridge U7720 modem will be integrated into various nexTenna™  antennas, optimally defined to tackle specific verticals, including Communications-On-The-Pause (COTP) and Communications-On-The Move (COTM) markets. This includes nexTenna™  LEO IOT, nexTenna™  V for vehicles, nexTenna™ LEO Home for fixed consumer and enterprise.  

David Gelerman, President and CEO of SpaceBridge, comments “SpaceBridge partnering with nexTenna™  will create new paradigm in how we address IoT, mobility, and broadband markets. Installation of these terminals, in conjunction with our iPoint, simple and pain-free auto-provisioning tool, commissioning of these terminals will significantly reduce rollout costs, eliminating one of the main impediments to rapid deployment.“ Mr. Gelerman continued, “The nexTenna™ technology is the only  ESA (Electronically Steerable Antenna) tested with the SpaceBridge U7720 modems, that utilises a full continuous 1.5 GHz wide bandwidth capability, without any dispersion and/or squinting issues.”

Dedi David Haziza CEO and Founder of nexTenna™, comments. “The unique and cost-effective combination of the SpaceBridge latest baseband equipment, together with the nexTenna™ ESA technology, is the 1st combination to allow the needed seamless switching on-the-fly between GEO and other NGSO constellations and their respective orbits.”


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