The Bluewave Alliance, powered by ISDIN, presents the SeaSpore project that combines technology and art to regenerate marine life in the Mediterranean Sea

The Bluewave Alliance, powered by ISDIN, presents the SeaSpore project

The Bluewave Alliance, an alliance of purpose-driven companies, social entrepreneurs and the scientific community, powered by the ISDIN laboratory, presented today its flagship SeaSpore project to regenerate the seabed of the main Mediterranean capitals by combining technology and art. The Bluewave Alliance aims to protect, rejuvenate, and recover the biodiversity of the Mediterranean, the most polluted sea in the world, through innovative and impactful projects.

Barcelona could be one of the cities to host the SeaSpore project, an initiative in which different national and international artists will collaborate to expand the breakwaters with works of art that will become generators of marine life. The project was presented as part of MWC Barcelona at the Bluewave Alliance stand where a scale recreation of one of these works of art can be seen.

The Mediterranean is the sea that saw us born and that has inspired us with its beauty, richness of species and its privileged ecosystem, unique in the world. Today it is under threat. That is why at ISDIN, through the Bluewave Alliance and the SeaSpore project, we intend to create a movement to discover, love and protect the sea and thus promote its regeneration so that future generations can enjoy a healthy and beautiful Mediterranean,” explains Juan Naya, CEO of ISDIN, the company behind the Bluewave Alliance.

Each work of art made with calcium carbonate will be a 3x3x3 meter sculpture that will be submerged in the seabed and through state-of-the-art technology it will be possible to monitor biological metrics and the evolution of biodiversity in real time. The aim of the project is to raise awareness among citizens to preserve the seas and oceans, therefore an exhibition of replicas of the sculptures will be installed on the surface and visitors will be able to see, scanning them with an app, how they generate life on the seabed. This will create a tourist attraction and an area of interest for both locals and visitors to approach the coast and the sea to appreciate the beauty of art and nature.

A partnership to protect the Mediterranean

The UN Oceans treaty, approved a year ago, maintains the 30×30 target of protecting 30% of the world’s oceans by 2030, as scientists have shown that effectively protecting 30% of the seas and oceans should be sufficient for the regeneration of 100% of the marine surface. One of the challenges facing the Bluewave Alliance is to protect 30% of the Mediterranean in order to achieve this global regeneration, as currently less than 1% of this sea is effectively protected. The aim of this alliance is to promote conservation and restoration projects in the Mediterranean that can also be applied to the rest of the world’s seas and oceans, in order to raise public awareness of the importance of caring for the seas and oceans.

The Bluewave Alliance is a non-profit initiative that seeks to restore the health and beauty of the Mediterranean Sea. It brings together entrepreneurs-dreamers of sustainability with innovative projects; purposeful companies willing to promote them with their resources; and the scientific community to provide the necessary knowledge to ensure their impact.


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