
INTEGRASYS introduces BestPath, an infallible and efficient multi-orbit link selector

INTEGRASYS introduces BestPath

INTEGRASYS launches BestPath for automating path selection under acquisition or service disruption due to ENI, cyber power outages, or catastrophes, as well as speeding the user enablement process and ensuring resiliency seamlessly. BestPath is a fast and easy-to-use disruptive technology based on INTEGRASYS Enterprise Management & Control, becoming an essential module for maximizing service in congested environments.

BestPath in a more complex network, multiorbit, multivendor, multiuse, unmanageable by a user; bring artificial intelligence into the network and increase QoS, SLA, and reduce time to resolution in network with a multicriteria definition as the best link in availability, service, latency, power, bandwidth used, and/or price. So, its link can be optimized for each particular user and traffic needs under any condition, any time and anywhere, with a single parabolic or multi-antenna types (parabolic or flat) in a multiorbit (GEO, MEO, LEO network configuration. It is built on proliferated Low Earth Orbit environments and communications on the move.

While ships move from North to South, when they arrive at congested ports and are required to use EW systems or have any equipment failure, the switch to backup connectivity is crucial; therefore, the rapid unnamed orchestration of a secondary best path to connectivity is critical, and that is where the API can connect with the equipment of the ship and guide it while orchestrating with the FlexCap capacity management of the new link without human interaction.

When a consumer of satellite communication is looking at multi-provider options for a mission or set of user requirements, BestPath can easily select from the compared options the most optimal one based on the user criteria and provide a very well-documented report (pdf, xtls) on the reasons behind the section in accordance with the success criteria. If many options are loaded, all options will be shown and highlighted, along with their strengths and weaknesses.

This technology ensures maximum resilience under threats for the future battlefield of the current mobility networks, increase of availability and service performance, while maximizing user satisfaction.

“At INTEGRASYS, we are glad to listen to customer needs as they guide us to solve their complex problems in an easy-to-use manner,” said Alvaro Sanchez, CEO at INTEGRASYS.


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