Audio/Video IT

Linear Acoustic takes to the AERO

Linear Acoustic takes to the AERO
Costa Nikols, Executive-Team Strategy Advisor, Media Solutions, at Telos Alliance

By Kevin Emmott

Linear Acoustic, a member of the Telos Alliance, is boosting its AERO-series with three new hardware audio processors. The AERO.20, AERO.200 and AERO.2400 all deliver integrated loudness control, upmixing, Nielsen and Verance Aspect watermark encoding, Dolby AC-3 encoding, SAP audio, downmixing, and automated EAS and text-to-speech audio insertion. 

The products also introduce new features including dual, independent 3G SDI I/O paths to support 1080p signals, AES67 I/O in support of ST2110-10 along with Livewire+, user-selectable metering and logging options for EBU R 128 or ATSC A/85.

Costa Nikols, Executive-Team Strategy Advisor, Media Solutions, at Telos Alliance, said: “There are over one billion devices that can support NGA, and to retain audiences content providers have to deliver content that is addressing what those devices can handle. The products we are introducing at IBC are a way to address a pent-up demand.” 

AERO.20 is a PCM-only processor for applications where Dolby coding and audience measurement watermarking are not required. AERO.200 offers instances of AEROMAX loudness control and UPMAX upmixing, while AERO.2400 AES3 I/O adds a colour display, navigation controls and a front-panel headphone jack.

Source: IBC


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