Singapore leads the world with the fastest internet speeds at 207 MBPS

Singapore leads the world with the fastest internet speeds at 207 MBPS

According to a BanklessTimes analysis, Singapore has emerged as the fastest internet speed hub in the world. It has a median internet speed of 207.61 MBPS. Chile came second with a median internet speed of 200.01 MBPS, while Thailand took the third position with 189.64 MBPS.

The United States came at the eighth position, with a median internet speed of 151.21 MBPS. Hong Kong, Denmark, China, and Macau took the fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh positions, respectively. Hong Kong has a median internet speed of 181.70 MBPS, Denmark has 166.11 MBPS, China has 162.74 MBPS, and Macau has 158.48 MBPS.

BanklessTimes’s CEO Jonathan Merry says, “Of the top eight countries with the fastest internet speed in the fixed broadband category, China is the most improved one, having stepped up three positions. Hong Kong improved by one position, while Denmark was demoted from the fourth to the fifth. The remaining countries, including Singapore, Chile, Thailand, Macau, and the United States, maintained their positions.”

Global fixed broadband internet performance

The global median download speed in the fixed broadband category is 63.46 MBPS. On the other hand, the median upload internet speed for the same category globally is 27.06 MBPS. Lastly, the median latency globally is 10 MBPS.

Below is the global trend for the median latency, download, and upload internet speed for the past one year.

The median download speed rose steadily from April 2021 to April 2022. In 2021, it was 48.42 MBPS, while in April 2022, it was 63.46 MBPS. This represents a change of 15.04 MBPS, bringing the annual percentage change to 31.06 percent.


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