Middle East News

Nawras celebrates award of ISO 27001 certification for IT Department

Nawras, Oman’s customer friendly communications provider is delighted to be announcing the achievement of ISO 27001 certification for a further three units within its IT department. This is confirmation that all information handling, processing and storage by Nawras is aligned to ISO 27001 standards ensuring security and consistency.
IT systems support all the critical services offered to Nawras customers and provide a professional performance in capacity planning and incident handling. In February 2011 Nawras was awarded the ISO 27001 certification for its IT help desk and MyNawras customer portal.  By December, the three departments of IT Management, IT infrastructure and IT Change had also been recognised as being in line with ISO 27001 standards.
“This was a great example of teamwork,” said Abdulaziz Jaafar, acting IT Director. “It is a fantastic achievement for our IT team to have received two ISO certificates in the same year. Like the rest of the company, we are dedicated to the implementation of the best standards and practices in the market so we can deliver caring, excellent and pleasingly different services to our customers.”
Customers benefit from these IT systems which are linked to sales, the multimedia contact centre and the Nawras website as well as self service payment and recharge machines. The ISO 27001 certification confirms that systems are handled in a highly secure manner with effective controls in place for the processing, storing and managing of all customer data.
Systems are constantly being reviewed at Nawras as part of an overall commitment to strive for excellence and to look for new ways to further improve customer experience in every area of the business.
An award winning company, Nawras is dedicated to making telecommunications easier, more versatile and always a rewarding experience.


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