Qatar Telecom (Qtel) has hosted a special award ceremony to honour the Qatari athletes who earned a gold, silver or bronze medal at the Arab Games 2011, which...
Middle East News
Move over 050, 055 and 056. A new mobile phone prefix — 052 — will be implemented across the UAE in the new year, telecom du said yesterday. Officials said the...
Saudi Telecom Co. (STC) recently delivered the awards of the ‘Distinct Numbers Competition’ at King Abdulaziz Telecom Complex in Riyadh. The winners are:...
The new technology will make its debut in Bahrain City Centre starting from the 1st of January 2011. “Delivering on our promise of bringing innovation...
Batelco held an opening ceremony yesterday to relaunch its revamped shop located at Bahrain International Airport. The shop, which is open 24/7, has been...