Nokia has announced the completion of a narrowband ‘Internet of Things’ (NB-IoT) network deployment in L 800 band as part of its strategic partnership with...
Tag - saudi arabia
The Wireless Broadband Alliance (WBA), the body leading development of next-generation Wi-Fi services, commends the the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s...
Overall spending on information and communications technology (ICT) in Saudi Arabia is set to reach $32.9 billion this year, up 1.5% on 2020. That’s...
5G-enabled industries have the potential to deliver $8tn* in value to the global economy by 2030, according to new research from Nokia. The ‘5G Business...
Oxford Business Group’s Covid-19 Response Report The key part that sustained investments in Saudi Arabia’s digital infrastructure have played in helping to...
As Saudi Arabia continues to advance its 5G infrastructure, Huawei’s Chief Security Officer in the US recently joined the Saudi Federation for Cybersecurity...
Advocating for uniform standards that support cybersecurity risk mitigation, Huawei joined the top government, business, and academic leaders in Saudi Arabia...
New figures released by ITU show that information and communication technology (ICT) uptake continues to accelerate worldwide, spurred by a steady fall in the...
The Arab Advisors Group released the results of its Cellular Competition Intensity Index 2011 this month at the margin of the 8th annual Media and Telecoms...
The Arab Advisors Group released the results of its Cellular Competition Intensity Index 2011 this month at the margin of the 8th annual Media and Telecoms...
As 4G connectivity becomes an ever-nearer reality for subscribers in the Middle East, Vick Khalil Mamlouk, VP of Middle East and Africa, CommScope, explains...
Google has launched Gmail-to-SMS in Saudi Arabia, making it the first PC chat to cell text service in the country. In partnership with Saudi TeleCom (STC), the...