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TELENOR to offer new mobile subscriptions (Norway)

Based on results from a comprehensive survey on what mobile users want out of a mobile subscription, Telenor is changing its mobile subscription offering. The answer is that mobile users want a good offer on mobile phones combined with low and predictable prices on subscriptions. They are also interested in coverage that provides the maximum user experience.
Telenor’s radical change to its subscription offering starts 11 April. This will see the start of sales at around 1,500 mobile dealers countrywide. From now on Norwegian mobile customers will only have two options to choose between, Komplett and Prat. In this way Telenor is simplifying and improving its mobile subscriptions.
Svein Henning Kirkeng, Director of Consumer Markets in Telenor, emphasizes that Telenor shall give customers the best mobile experience the market has to offer, and that the growth in mobile Internet usage places major demands on mobile operators.
“Telenor gives people the best user experience when it comes to mobile surfing in Norway; this is documented by independent tests carried out in various media. With our new subscriptions you not only enjoy Telenor’s superb coverage, but also simple and reasonably priced subscriptions with good promotions on mobile phones for surfing. Telenor is now coming out with the most attractive mobile packages on the market,” says Kirkeng.
All additional services, such as the popular FriFamilie, can be combined with the new subscriptions.
The customer decides
Komplett and Prat are offered with various packages that cover the needs of everyone. In an effort to make this adaptation a success, Telenor asked 3,000 people what they wanted out of a mobile. The new mobile subscriptions come as a direct answer to these wishes. Key feedback:

  • For the first time in Norwegian mobile history people are saying that surfing using a mobile phone is more important than sending text messages (SMS).
  • For the first time in Norwegian mobile history, people are voicing in unison that they want a fixed monthly price that includes as much as possible. This is because people want to keep things simple and predictable.
  • Yet again in Norwegian mobile history, people are giving clear responses that, when they are in the market for a subscription, they prefer good offers on mobile phones too.
  • The paradigm shift we are now experiencing in the mobile world places great demands on operators. When people are increasingly using mobile phones for a diverse range of network services, they demand network access and a good user experience at all times anywhere they go. Coverage and quality take on a new meaning entirely.

Great value included
Choosing the name Komplett is, according to Telenor, quite obvious since the package contains nearly everything:

  • Good offers on mobiles for surfing.
  • Everything you need in terms of talk time, SMS and data.
  • FriFamilie offers unlimited minutes, SMS and MMS to family members.
  • Telenor’s test winning mobile network.

“With Komplett Telenor is providing Norway’s best total solution in terms of mobile subscriptions. Everything is included here; talk time, SMS and data – and the customer gets a great price on a new mobile phone too. The total value of the subscription is actually higher than the monthly price,” says Svein Henning Kirkeng.
Komplett comes in Small, Medium, Large, Extra Large – and Control. Since the mobile user is getting a large package at a fixed price, there is great value included. Telenor will make this value known to customers, because the company wants to show everyone how big a price reduction the subscriptions represent as well as how much value is included in the subscriptions.
Reasonable packages for the windbags too
For those customers most interested in calling with a mobile, Telenor is offering Prat. Prat offers good call prices and predictable customised use. Varieties of Prat are named for how much talk time is included: Prat 100, Prat 400 and Prat 1200. Here too the customer gets very attractive prices on a new mobile phone – and again, FriFamilie and Telenor’s superb coverage are included.
Out with the old, in with the new
Sales of all current subscriptions ceases on Monday, 11 April 2011, and sales of Komplett and Prat starts the same day. Telenor will not be automatically moving customers from the old subscriptions to the new ones but it will be simple to change subscriptions.
“Our existing customers will be informed and guided by us via the Internet, e-mail and SMS, so that they can familiarize themselves with our new reasonably priced offers at a relaxed pace, and choose the package that best suits them, says Kirkeng. He points out that whether they go over to the new subscriptions or keep their existing ones is entirely up to the customer.
In closing Svein Henning Kirkeng points out that although Telenor is going the extra mile to fulfil wishes for reasonably priced mobiles for surfing, the company will still offer good package prices to those who want to keep their old mobiles, yet still benefit from Komplett or Prat.


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