Grameenphone will seek clarification on two letters sent by BTRC asking it to pay dues in fees for license renewal, spectrum allocation and others. The telecom regulator’s move ‘has created confusion’ as the written copy of the High Court verdict over the issue is ‘yet to be received’, the top mobile-phone operator said in a press statement. Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC) in October last year had asked Grameenphone to fees for 7.4 Megahertz (MHz) spectrum for the year 2008 which the operator said was an ‘extra’ amount. The High Court on Monday upheld Grameenphone’s claim but declared valid a BTRC claim of dues linked with 14.6 MHz spectrum fees. The BTRC letters to GP and Banglalink, Robi and Citycell, asking them to pay dues in arrears, late fees and renewal charges for 2G licences.