5G Satellite

ND SATCOM’s VSAT flagship product SKYWAN 5G is continuously enhanced with new features

With release 2.1, SKYWAN 5G expands its capabilities with directly control of the ND SATCOM MFT 1500. Moreover, it provides automated over-the-air multicast distribution of software updates and customized dashboards to combine several monitoring parameters in a single chart. This facilitates analysis and troubleshooting and the preferred master option gives the operator full control in assigning the network control function to a specific site.

Change is ever-present. From climate to conflicts, pandemics to politics, ND SATCOM stand behind its customers to deliver on its reliability promise time and again, while pushing engineering boundaries to continually transform satellite communication. The SKYWAN 5G all-in-one solution represents such excellence by flexibly fitting all topologies, providing any-to-all full mesh connection, transmitting with single-hop efficiency, and scaling as business grows while keeping costs in check. This MF-TDMA modem with integrated DVB-S2 receiver supports both fixed and mobile satcom applications and remains the premium standard for satellite communication.

ND SATCOM continues to distinguish itself through its commitment to innovation and customer satisfaction. The launch of the ND SATCOM FLYAWAY terminal underscores the company’s competitive advantage. One advancement that sets this new terminal apart is its operational wind resilience: it can withstand and function in very high wind speeds and during severe storms. Carbon was used wherever possible to reduce weight, enhance durability, and provide the extreme stiffness required for Ka-Band in high wind conditions.

For the motorized FLYAWAY version, engineers integrated the ACU into the SKYWAN 5G modem, thus minimizing equipment and enabling automatic pointing on SKYWAN or DVB signals. SKYWAN 5G is designed as an all-in-one unit having all features on board. Hub, terminal, satellite network control, star, hybrid, mesh, or router – SKYWAN 5G has the capability to implement it. Functions are enabled on the fly by means of configuration and licence keys in a matter of seconds.

Changes are made failsafe thanks to the transaction-based change set, ensuring the network is always in a consistent state. Operators get assistance for software roll-outs by an automated distribution process now including multicast transfer, thus minimising effort for maintenance tasks.

Multi-Band FlyAway Terminal MFT 1500 ACU Support

ROBUST, COMPACT, MIL QUALIFIED ND SATCOM incorporated another clear advantage: the latest version of the premier SKYWAN 5G technology. Customers value the proven high reliability and security that SKYWAN represents. The bar was raised here, too, by integrating the pioneering innovation of Adaptive Coding and Modulation (ACM) for TDMA, thus permitting transmission during heavy rains with adaptive bandwidth control.

For the motorized FLYAWAY version, our engineers integrated the ACU into the SKYWAN 5G with Release 2.1, thus minimizing equipment and enabling pointing on SKYWAN or DVB signals.

ND SATCOM pushed the engineering boundaries further by optimizing portability and product longevity for this new FLYAWAY. Carbon was used wherever possible to reduce weight, enhance durability, and provide the extreme stiffness required for Ka-Band in high wind conditions. Both the unique 180° azimuth range and integrated feed-booms for various bands expedite setup and use. For an extremely fast setup, this terminal was designed for easy deployment and dismantling – time and again – while maintaining structural integrity throughout. The in-house R&D team in Germany designed and developed the new terminal, rigorously field testing the finished product as well as testing against stringent standards for military products. The ND SATCOM FLYAWAY is ready to go: whenever, wherever you are. The MFT 1500 terminal platform is designed for most demanding environmental requirements. With its modular design and rapid band switching capability with feeds for X-, Ku and Ka-band RF transmissions and integrated SKYWAN 5G Outdoor unit, it provides utmost versatility and flexibility and can meet almost all network requirements.

Assign Network Control Function to preferred location SKYWAN provides an integrated geographical network redundancy for the network control station (master) with automatic switchover between master and backup master in case of equipment failure or severe signal degradation caused by the atmosphere (i.e. heavy rain, snow, ice, sandstorms). The active master is assigned first come first serve and so far only switched in case of a failure. The optional preferred master setting gives now precedence to one or several specific ground stations to become active master in prioritized order taking into account administrative aspects e.g. location with optimized infrastructure or an operation center.

Configuration is made easy with the NMS WebUI and is automatically implemented in the network nodes over the air once fully planned and committed by the operator. The SKYWAN 5G network operates self-sufficient without NMS interaction highlighting the reliability of SKYWAN 5G networks.

NMS Custom Dashboards

The Network Management System (NMS) provides out-of-box dashboards for network health monitoring, e.g. reachability, signal quality, traffic statistics, bandwidth utilization to name just a few. On top the user can now setup custom dashboards extending the parameter set captured for monitoring and troubleshooting to get complete visibility into network, application and device performance. Line charts can be added or removed to a custom dashboard. Configuration is made easy by a predefined list of parameters and point-and-click selection of network nodes it is applied for. The parameters are polled in the background and are available for real-time viewing or to analyse the root cause of a performance issue in the past.

NMS Software Manager Extension

The NMS Software Manager extension streamlines software updates for SKYWAN 5G network nodes utilizing Multicast File Distribution (MFD) saving network bandwidth during software upgrade. The NMS is performing the software distribution using unicast or broadcast.

In case of a unicast update, the NMS individually uploads the software to the nodes. In case of a broadcast update, the NMS uploads the software to all possible master stations. The active master then uses MFD to broadcast the software on all frequency channels until all sites have received it or the operator stops it. As final step, the NMS sends the activation command to transition to the updated software.

A recovery process is also implemented for unreachable SKYWAN 5G nodes running older software than the active master. However this requires software updated to atleast R2.0. Then an unreachable node with old software can receive the image over MFD bursts and upgrades itself automatically.

SKYWAN 5G – The ONE Building Block

SKYWAN 5G – THE ONE Mastermind – is the building block and core product of ND SATCOM’s VSAT offerings. It comes either as 19” rack version or as outdoor version or as board for integration in terminals powered by SKYWAN 5G. The units can be interconnected to increase inbound capacity (utilize multiple receive channels known as stacking/cascading), for hot-standby backup (1+1 / N+M node redundancy) or as part of the DVB-S2 solution.

SKYWAN 5G is a scalable and flexible multi service VSAT platform for any user and market segment seeking for reliable and cost effective communication in high quality. SKYWAN 5G R2.1 is available for all SKYWAN 5G hardware units (indoor & outdoor) and all terminals powered by SKYWAN 5G.


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