
INTEGRASYS introduces VeryFiling, an infallible and efficient ITU/FCC Filing tool

INTEGRASYS introduces VeryFiling, an infallible and efficient ITU/FCC Filing tool

INTEGRASYS launches VeryFiling for automating the EPFD compliance evaluation, as well as speeding the process, and ensuring obtaining the license seamlessly. VeryFiling is a fast and easy-to-use disruptive technology, based on the well-known Link Budget Calculation, Beam Budget.

VeryFiling Interface

VeryFiling is a web-based and multi-user tool to facilitate the test and evaluation of the required EPFD calculations for LEO, MEO, and GEO constellations to operate seamlessly and calculate the complete EPFD report (up, down, and inter-satellite) to fulfill the ITU/FCC filing. This technology has two modes; The Industry mode counts on an interface prepared to test and improve the constellation effect in current satellites in the GEO, so the constellation to be launched is not generating exceeding noise. The Regulator mode is an easy interface that evaluates instantly if the filing is passed or failed and if fails, where the improvements need to take place, and why. Additionally, VeryFiling can minimize expenses and internal resources, as the technology can be used by anyone, with a very low quantity of inputs, it is capable of extracting a customizable and complete report exportable to PDF or Excel. The inputs to the calculations are minimized to the essential with a high degree of automation, as well as supporting the ITU database standards.

VeryFiling is a disruptive technology for ITU member countries and regulators, for ensuring a conscious satellite launch is aligned with the ITU regulations, as well as saving time, resources, and effort. The tool counts with an API for Machine to Machine automation and can be purchased CAPEX on a dedicated server or OPEX in the cloud as a subscription plan.


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