The world renowned technology guru – Rehan Allahwala is scheduled to address a gathering of Social media enthusiasts on “Learn Social Media Fast” to be held in...
Asia News
Mr. Amir Malik has joined Ufone (Pak Telecom Mobile Ltd) on December 30th, 2011 in the position of Head of Regulatory Compliance at Ufone. He will be directly...
“We will invest USD 1.12 billion in the Pakistani market between 2011 and 2016”, declares Walid Irshaid, PTCL President From a wholly government-owned public...
Bangladesh’s mobile customers will be able to switch to other operators’ networks without changing their numbers within six months, The Daily Star...
Pakistan Telecommunication Company Ltd (PTCL) has launched an attractive win-back initiative for EVO customers who can now recharge, get bill waivers, and win...